10050 Kryptowährungen
Gesamte Marktkapitalisierung $3.584,10B
Handelsvolumen 24h $321,63B

01coin 01coin Kurs star

0,000027 (2,09%)

> JETZT Kryptowährungen kaufen <

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01coin is designed to be an innovative, cryptographically-secured digital asset ledger based on blockchain technology. Developed in part from the core code behind Dash, 01coin includes many innovative enhancements.

01coin aims to become the most community-centric project in all of crypto. Born out of its own ashes when the original development team mysteriously disappeared one month after the coin launched, it is now completely managed and operated by the community. This includes a large and dedicated team of community moderators always ready and willing to help new users. It also includes a strong principle of community governance: no decision will be made unilaterally by a single individual or by an oligarchy of the few. Every step forward for 01coin will be determined by community votes and masternode governance.

Marktanteil 0,00%
Beweis geben
Offen $0,0013
Niedrig $0,0013
Hoch $0,0013
Preis in BTC 0.00000001357487 BTC
Zirkulierende Coins 0 ZOC
Insgesamte Coins 66.000.000 ZOC
Marktkapitalisierung $0
24h-Volumen (Coin) 0 ZOC
24h-Volumen (Währung) $0
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) 0 ZOC
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) $0,00000000
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2025-01-17 06:03:36 +01:00 CET
ID Markt Geben Preis Menge Insgesamt
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