10050 Kryptowährungen
Gesamte Marktkapitalisierung $3.584,10B
Handelsvolumen 24h $321,63B

Uniswap Protocol Token Uniswap Protocol Token Kurs star

0,34 (2,40%)

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Uniswap is a protocol for exchanging ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum. It eliminates trusted intermediaries and unnecessary forms of rent extraction, allowing for fast, efficient trading. Where it makes tradeoffs decentralization, censorship resistance, and security are prioritized. Uniswap is open-source software licensed under GPL.

The introduction of UNI (ERC-20) enables shared community ownership and a vibrant, diverse, and dedicated governance system, which will actively guide the protocol towards the future.

Uniswap has embraced the tenets of neutrality and trust minimization: it is crucial that governance is constrained to where it is strictly necessary. With this in mind, the Uniswap governance framework is limited to contributing to both protocol development and usage as well as the development of the broader Uniswap ecosystem.

In doing so, UNI officially enshrines Uniswap as publicly-owned and self-sustainable infrastructure while continuing to carefully protect its indestructible and autonomous qualities.

Marktanteil 0,41%
Beweis geben
Offen $14,28
Niedrig $13,93
Hoch $14,78
Preis in BTC 0.00015050912613 BTC
Zirkulierende Coins UNI
Insgesamte Coins UNI
Marktkapitalisierung $14.620.382.208
24h-Volumen (Coin) 1.087.839 UNI
24h-Volumen (Währung) $15.597.698
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) 17.225.906 UNI
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) $251,54M
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2025-01-17 06:03:49 +01:00 CET
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