> JETZT Kryptowährungen kaufen <
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Okex is a leading digital market exchange that has issued a token to celebrate the Chinese new year and to thank customers for their support. Through the issued token, Okex aims to develop a sharing community that allows all the participants to contribute to the improvement of the Okex platform.
OKB token is an Ethereum-based utility token (ERC 20) used to settle trading fees, participate in token-listing polls, deposits of verified merchants and rewards.
Marktanteil | 0,00% |
Beweis geben | — |
Offen | $38,37 |
Niedrig | $37,24 |
Hoch | $38,39 |
Preis in BTC | 0.00047228127298 BTC |
Zirkulierende Coins | 178.341.904 OKB |
Insgesamte Coins | OKB |
Marktkapitalisierung | $0 |
24h-Volumen (Coin) | 26.708 OKB |
24h-Volumen (Währung) | $1.011.513 |
24h Gesamtvolumen (Münze) | 54.302 OKB |
24h Gesamtvolumen (Währung) | $2,06M |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 2024-09-18 19:39:02 +02:00 CEST |
ID | Markt | Geben | Preis | Menge | Insgesamt |
Datum | Preis | Volumen |
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